Voucher Type: Mobile and paper vouchers are both accepted for this tour.
Wheelchair Access: Yes
Storage Space: Yes
Onboard Wi-Fi: Please check with bus staff
Infants can travel free and you do not require to book infant ticket.
Multiday tickets can only be used on consecutive days.
Complimentary ear phones are provided, or you are welcome to use your own wired earphones with a jack connector
Tours operate in all weather, rain or shine. Refunds due to weather will not be granted unless the service is suspended as a result of weather.
Disclaimer: Due to traffic issues, public holidays, weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances, there might be sudden changes in the route or on the schedule. In "normal times" Copenhagen is a busy city, especially during special events, summer holidays and at weekends. Traffic congestion and road closures - may cause delays, reduced frequency and changes to the route. We’ll do all we can to provide a smooth and frequent service!
Information for Cruise Passengers:
If you cruise ship is arriving into Langelinikaj, you will be able to join the Classic Copenhagen route at stop 6, 7 or 8, all of which will be about 20 metres walk from the ship. If you are arriving into Oceankaj or Frihavn, you will have access to a City Sightseeing shuttle bus. The shuttle bus will be about 20 metres from the ship, and will drop you off at stop 12 on the Classic Copenhagen route. To return back to your ship, you will be able to collect the shuttle from stop 5. The shuttle service is free of charge with your City Sightseeing Copenhagen ticket. If you are arriving into Nordre Toldbod, you'll be able to join the Classic Copenhagen route from stop 4, about a 200 metre walk from the ship.
Operational Details:
May - September: All tours run daily
October - April: Classic Copenhagen Tour: Daily, Colourful Copenhagen Tour: Friday to Sunday only, Urban Green Copenhagen Tour: Friday to Sunday only
Voucher Type: Mobile and paper vouchers are both accepted for this tour.
Wheelchair Access: Yes
Storage Space: Yes
Onboard Wi-Fi: Please check with bus staff
Infants can travel free and you do not require to book infant ticket.
Multiday tickets can only be used on consecutive days.
Complimentary ear phones are provided, or you are welcome to use your own wired earphones with a jack connector
Tours operate in all weather, rain or shine. Refunds due to weather will not be granted unless the service is suspended as a result of weather.
Disclaimer: Due to traffic issues, public holidays, weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances, there might be sudden changes in the route or on the schedule. In "normal times" Copenhagen is a busy city, especially during special events, summer holidays and at weekends. Traffic congestion and road closures - may cause delays, reduced frequency and changes to the route. We’ll do all we can to provide a smooth and frequent service!
Information for Cruise Passengers:
If you cruise ship is arriving into Langelinikaj, you will be able to join the Classic Copenhagen route at stop 6, 7 or 8, all of which will be about 20 metres walk from the ship. If you are arriving into Oceankaj or Frihavn, you will have access to a City Sightseeing shuttle bus. The shuttle bus will be about 20 metres from the ship, and will drop you off at stop 12 on the Classic Copenhagen route. To return back to your ship, you will be able to collect the shuttle from stop 5. The shuttle service is free of charge with your City Sightseeing Copenhagen ticket. If you are arriving into Nordre Toldbod, you'll be able to join the Classic Copenhagen route from stop 4, about a 200 metre walk from the ship.
Operational Details:
May - September: All tours run daily
October - April: Classic Copenhagen Tour: Daily, Colourful Copenhagen Tour: Friday to Sunday only, Urban Green Copenhagen Tour: Friday to Sunday only